Welcome to Hamster Guru
Welcome to our website. This hamster hub has been created to provide tips and training advice in order to help others care for their hamsters in a friendly yet informative way.
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A hamster’s tail – why do they have one and what is it used for?
When we think of rodents, we immediately imagine rats and mice scurrying around, their long scaly tails following them in their wake. Hamsters, however, are also part of the rodent family, but their...
There may be times when you have to take your hamster out of the house on short trips and need something to carry them in. And whilst we don’t recommend taking your furry friend on long vacations,...
Hamsters are cute and fluffy with super soft fur. Therefore, when they start to lose their hair or develop bald patches all over their bodies, it is often a warning sign that something is...
Recently a friend purchased a hamster for her children, only for it to escape a few days later. And although this story has a happy ending as the cheeky little chap was found safe and sound, it made...
Upon placing Oscar's food within his cage, I have noticed that it often takes him a while to locate his bowl. I watch as his whiskers flicker and his little nose twitches, compensating for what his...
When we collected our hamster from the pet store, we did not request a particular gender. This is because we naturally assumed (that bar the physical differences), all Syrian hamsters were the same....